
Our Services and Products


MineDevelopment is focused on creating Skins, Crates, Key's, designs and Advisors for Minecraft. Our skins, designs Crates and Key's are available to everyone from server to custom worlds. We also offer Server Assistance and Advisors to help server owners set up or maintain servers and possible chat platforms such as Discord or WhatsApp. MineDevelopment was founded by Rick Couweleers. MineDevelopment was founded on 3-9-2023 For questions and or further information join our Discord or check our complaints and questions site or email minedevelopmentnl@gmail.com


Welcome to AmberCraft AmberCraft is the ultimate Minecraft server where adventure, creativity and fun come together! Whether you like Survival or Creative there is something for everyone. AmberCraft offers something special for everyone. AmberCraft is a Minecraft server set up by 5 good friends including Rick and Renée from MineDevelopment. MineDevelopment is therefore also the major sponsor behind AmberCraft. Everyone is welcome to join the server and enjoy the sociable group of AmberCraft. Join AmberCraft's Discord below and for more information about our minecraft server go to https://forum.ambercraftmc.com/. With Kind Regards, Team AmberCraft and Team MineDevelopment

We are here for you and your projects.

Simply send all your requests. Without redundant mails and appointments.
All your projects are completed and handled in consultation with you for a desired end result.
Receive our products or services and enjoy your completed project

MineDevelopment Discord

As is well known after all, MineDevelopment has opened its own Discord server. We have been busy making it up and running. With our awesome Team and Discord staff team, we hope to make your experience the best it can be. Definitely don't be afraid to speak to them. Why we started a Discord server? We started a Discord server because there was a lot of request for it. And we can better connect with our customers this way. The Discord is also meant to be a place for support, participation in our Discord staff team and fun prizes!